貴方のスピーチにAIがアドバイス Yoodli 1

Start from here: https://yoodli.ai/use-cases/toastmasters
Toastmasters and Yoodli: AI Meets Public Speaking
Typography Reading A Peak Experience
A Future-forward Partnership
In December 2022, Toastmasters International partnered with Yoodli, an AI-powered speech coach, to provide members with almost instantaneous speech feedback. The Yoodli platform complements the Toastmasters education experience by offering insights into how members can improve speeches they record on the platform. Using Yoodli’s analytics, members can see how much eye contact they made while speaking, how many filler words (such as “ah” and “um”) they used, if their speaking pace was too fast or too slow, and even if any words could be replaced with more inclusive language. These data points, along with others, empower members to polish their speeches before presenting them to a human audience for feedback.
ここから始めましょう: https://yoodli.ai/use-cases/toastmasters
トーストマスターズとYoodli: AIとパブリックスピーキングの融合
タイポグラフィ リーディング 最高の体験
2022年12月、トーストマスターズ インターナショナルは、AIを搭載したスピーチコーチであるYoodliと提携し、メンバーにほぼ瞬時のスピーチフィードバックを提供しました。