Script: Grammarian
<role description>
When introduced by the Toastmaster, please state the following:
“Mr. (or Madam) Toastmaster, fellow Toastmasters, and guests. As Grammarian, it is my responsibility to pay close attention to all speakers, listening carefully to their language usage. I’ll take note of any improper language, as well as any outstanding words, quotes, sayings, or thoughts. As Grammarian, it is also my duty to introduce the Word of the Day.
• For today’s meeting, the Word is ______________________________, which means _____________________
[Display the Word of the Day at the front of the room.]
• An example of using the word is: _______________________________________________________________
• Each speaker is encouraged to use the Word of the Day.
• I will give the Grammarian’s report when called upon during the meeting and also report on the usage of the
Word of the Day.
Thank you, Mr. (or Madam) Toastmaster.”
In ICF, another member than the Grammarian plays the role of "Word of the Day".
a sample the Grammarian’s report.
Hello everyone. I am back with my report.
Over all in today’s meeting, our members used language well.
I have noticed some fine language usage from our members.
TM A used the words …, which was a beautiful expression.
TM B used words like … and idioms …, which were very useful...
TM C made use of a metaphor … and words like …,
which was an interesting way of expressing that.
TM D had a volley of fantastic vocabulary ….., which….
There were some incorrect usage of language as well that we must take note of.
“Her hairs flew with the wind” should be “her hair flew with the wind.”
単複同形invariable noun、集合名詞collective noun, group noun
物質名詞material noun、抽象名詞 abstract noun
外来語 adopted wordsは複数形Sがつかない
“Returning back” should have been “returning”.
他に、自動詞intransitive verb、他動詞transitive verb、時制tenseの間違いが多い。動詞がないなどの不完全な文章、単語の順序word order、冠詞article, the, a にも注目
….. (add more examples)
There were a few incorrect pronunciations as well.
(Add examples from the meeting here)
日本人は、特に SとSh, Th、ZとTh、RとLを間違える。
**Japanese people have a habit of reading English words
as if they were written in romaji.
That’s all from my side. Thank You.
Reading Material:
1. The Grammarian’s Gift
2. TI Link
3. Check List and short script