What to say in welcoming speakers?
How to welcome speakers:
Before MC gives the stage to a presenter, use one of these expressions.

Please welcome Mr. xxxxx with a big hand!
Please join me in welcoming Mr. xxxxxx!
Please join me in a warm welcome for TM xxxx!
Please help me in welcoming Mr. xxxxx!
Please help me in a warm welcome for TM xxx!
Let’s give a big round of applause to Mr. xxxxxx !
Let’s give a warm applause to Mr. xxxx!
another round of applause もう一度
boisterous applause にぎやかな
generous applause 惜しみない
hearty applause 心からの
loud applause 大きな
thunderous applause 割れんばかりの
tremendous applause すごい
vigorous applause 盛大な
warm applause 暖かい
wild applause 大喝采
a big hand
a great ovation
a loud ovation
Before MC gives the stage to a presenter, use one of these expressions.

Please welcome Mr. xxxxx with a big hand!
Please join me in welcoming Mr. xxxxxx!
Please join me in a warm welcome for TM xxxx!
Please help me in welcoming Mr. xxxxx!
Please help me in a warm welcome for TM xxx!
Let’s give a big round of applause to Mr. xxxxxx !
Let’s give a warm applause to Mr. xxxx!
another round of applause もう一度
boisterous applause にぎやかな
generous applause 惜しみない
hearty applause 心からの
loud applause 大きな
thunderous applause 割れんばかりの
tremendous applause すごい
vigorous applause 盛大な
warm applause 暖かい
wild applause 大喝采
a big hand
a great ovation
a loud ovation