Talk about Winning Speeches of 2018 World Contest.

Sep.14 Group Discussion
Group #1
1. Which of the two speeches do you like better?
2. What is the prime message of the speech?
3. Why do you like the speech better? Two or more reasons.
4-1. How well did she talk her own experiences.
5. What good point(s) of the speech can you utilize for your next speech.
6. Free comment
Group #2
1,2,3, 5 and 6 same as Group#1
4-2. How well did she use humors?
1,2,3, 5 and 6 same as Group#1
4-3. How well did she change paces? (Vocal Variety)
1,2,3, 5 and 6 same as Group#1
4-4. How well did she perform on the stage? (Body movement)
FYI: Other techniques winners often use are;
A. Tickle Toastmasters member audience (「トーストマスタ有る有る」で聴衆をいじる)
B. Use props (小道具)
C. Use Roller-Coaster Effect (Big laughter to Tears, Happiness to Sadness, etc.) (感情をゆさぶる)
D. Effective Beginning and Ending(はじめと終わりを効果的に)
E. Repeat Catchphrase (しつこく)
F. Act but do not Overdo (演じるが、やり過ぎない)
G. Ask Audience Questions (問いかける)
H. Make Clear Transitions (切り替えをうまく)
I. Choose Easy Words (分りやすい言葉)