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 Script Timer 2

<Explain your job>
[Stand up]
Thank you, Mister/Madam Toastmaster, Fellow Toastmasters, and welcome Guests!
As Timer, I will be helping the speakers practice expressing a thought within a specific time. My duty is to time Table Topics speeches, prepared speeches, and Speech Evaluations during this meeting.
The green card indicates "qualifying time” (show the cards as examples), the yellow card is "target time", the red card is "maximum time,” and you have another 30 seconds to finish up.

To be more specific;
Table Topic is to be 1-2 minutes. Any speaker speaking less then 1 minute or more then 2:30 will be disqualified.
I will show Green card at 1 minute, Yellow card at 1 minute 30 seconds,
and Red card at 2 minutes and keep showing it until the speaker has finished speaking. No notice shall be given if a speaker should go over time.

For prepared speeches, 1st speaker TM xxxx has 4-6 minutes.
If you speak less then 3:30 or more then 6:30, you will be disqualified.
I will show Green card at 4 minute, Yellow card at 5 minutes,
and Red card at 6 minutes and keep showing it until the speaker has finished speaking. No notice shall be given if a speaker should go over time.
2nd speaker.....
3rd speaker.....
Note:In case
5-7 minutes speech Green at 5, Yellow at 6, and Red at 7
6-8 minutes speech Green at 6, Yellow at 7, and Red at 8
*If you are not sure for the timing, ask TD before the meeting.

For evaluation, any speaker has 2-3 minutes.
If you speak less then 1:30 or more then 3:30, you will be disqualified.
I will show Green card at 2 minute, Yellow card at 2:30 minutes,
and Red card at 3 minutes and keep showing it until the speaker has finished speaking. No notice shall be given if a speaker should go over time.

I will report qualifying times when called upon throughout the meeting.
Mister/Madam Toastmaster
[Sit down]

Note: When you are called on after each session by TD, you should report the speaker’s name and time for prepared speeches, evaluations, and Table Topics.