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 Meet Our Members No.2 Ms.K, who works for a foreign company

 Image is for illustration purposes only.

The young me longed for global atmosphere and started my career at a foreign-affiliated company. Right after I joined the company I was astonished to find that foreign colleagues had outstanding presentation skills comparing with my poor ones.

I used every other opportunity to develop my presentation skills. One day, when I applied for a vacant post of the headquarters, the manager of receiving side in the headquarters recommended me to join The Toastmasters Club.

He said, “You will never regret to be with them. I believe that it is profitable for your success in the future.”
This is how I joined ICF Chiba Toastmasters Club.

Since then, I remember very impressive speeches by the foreign bosses and colleagues in several scenes. I was moved strongly and I realized speech must be an indispensable tool to lead a big organization.

I now feel that the leadership skills and communication skills which we can develop through Toastmaster’s activities are profitable in many other situations. The world of business is getting more and more globalized. In the past, when I made brief questions or comments in big global conferences, I always had frustration because listeners did not give me the response that I had expected. And I did not know the reason why. Now I feel comfortable in such situation.

I have had occasions when I have to persuade the people from other countries about the importance of my project, get their support and expand business chance.

The Toastmasters has proved that it can give me those skills without difficulty. And I have now noticed that I can accomplish my goals more easily than before.

Editor's comment:
Join us and enjoy the change you can experience in ICF Chiba Toastmasters Club.

日本語ページ ⇒ http://www.c-sqr.net/cs73363/Report_detail.html?report_id=295358